Bible reading underway

Published 3:00 am Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Donnie Dunn, mission and outreach director for the hosting Salem-Troy Baptist Association, opened the Bible Reading Marathon with prayer prior to the official reading of the scriptures at 6 p.m. Sunday on the Square in downtown Troy. Throughout this week, volunteers from all denominations will take part in the public reading of the Bible, which continues until the National Day of Prayer on May 5.

Donnie Dunn, mission and outreach director for the hosting Salem-Troy Baptist Association, opened the Bible Reading Marathon with prayer prior to the official reading of the scriptures at 6 p.m. Sunday on the Square in downtown Troy. Throughout this week, volunteers from all denominations will take part in the public reading of the Bible, which continues until the National Day of Prayer on May 5.

The 2016 Bible Reading Marathon officially began at 6 p.m. Sunday at the Gazebo on the square in downtown Troy with Elvira Spivey reading from Genesis 1:1 and will conclude at noon on Thursday with the beginning of the National Day of Prayer service.

During those times the Bible will be read aloud in its entirety by a hundred and more readers.

Donnie Dunn, mission and outreach director for the hosting Salem-Troy Baptist Association, said the 10th Annual Bible Reading Marathon event began at 4 p.m. with music by several groups and individuals and a Prayer Walk at 5:30 p.m.

“Everyone enjoyed the music and was blessed by it,” Dunn said. “It is always a blessing to sing and praise the Lord. During Prayer Walk, we had prayer groups on all four corners of the downtown square and others walking around the square.”

Dunn said prayer walking is simply praying and walking through the community.

“It is praying with all of your senses,” he said. “As we walked, we prayed for those who will be reading during the Bible Reading Marathon, for those who come to listen, for the volunteer workers and that the reading of God’s Word will accomplish His will.”

Donnie Dunn, mission and outreach director for the hosting Salem-Troy Baptist Association, opened the Bible Reading Marathon with prayer prior to the official reading of the scriptures at 6 p.m. Sunday on the Square in downtown Troy. Throughout this week, volunteers from all denominations will take part in the public reading of the Bible, which continues until the National Day of Prayer on May 5.

Donnie Dunn, mission and outreach director for the hosting Salem-Troy Baptist Association, opened the Bible Reading Marathon with prayer prior to the official reading of the scriptures at 6 p.m. Sunday on the Square in downtown Troy. Throughout this week, volunteers from all denominations will take part in the public reading of the Bible, which continues until the National Day of Prayer on May 5.


Prayers were also lifted for local, state and national leaders and for the beginning of a revival in the community.

“Nothing genuine and lasting for God is done without prayer,” Dunn said.

Rain began to fall as the Bible was being read but didn’t dampen the spirits of those who were there to read and to listen.

Brenda Jones, Springfield Baptist Church, said she and her husband, Jack, volunteer as readers each year and are blessed to have the opportunity to read God’s word aloud.

“There are many countries where you can’t come together like this to read God’s Word,” she said. “We are blessed to be able to have an event like this.

“Members of Springfield Baptist Church sign up and come on their own and we have a good group of people who read. We read believing and knowing that God’s Word will not return void.”

For Cathie Catrett, who has been participating in the Bible Reading Marathon for about eight years, the opportunity to read the Bible aloud is personal.

“I read during the early morning hours, from about 4 until 5 a.m.,” Catrett said. “Usually, there’s only a listener or two. There’s not much traffic. It’s quiet and I read and pray that somebody is hearing God’s Word. There’s just something special about hearing your voice reading God’s Word.”

Chip Wallace said it is a privilege to be able to read God’s Word aloud.

“I come each year with my neighbor Dwayne Norman, who is the senior pastor at Bush Memorial Baptist Church,” Wallace said. “We read at night and I look forward to reading every year. Not everyone has the freedom to come together like this and read the Bible.”

The Bible Reading Marathon in a non-denominational event and everyone is invited to participate. There are still slots to be filled and volunteers are needed, especially during the hours from 10 p.m. until 6 a.m.
Each slot is 15 minutes but readers can choose to read longer or to read at several different times. To volunteer as a reader call 282-5695 or stop by the tent on the square in downtown Troy day or night.

Donnie Dunn, mission and outreach director for the hosting Salem-Troy Baptist Association, opened the Bible Reading Marathon with prayer prior to the official reading of the scriptures at 6 p.m. Sunday on the Square in downtown Troy. Throughout this week, volunteers from all denominations will take part in the public reading of the Bible, which continues until the National Day of Prayer on May 5.

Donnie Dunn, mission and outreach director for the hosting Salem-Troy Baptist Association, opened the Bible Reading Marathon with prayer prior to the official reading of the scriptures at 6 p.m. Sunday on the Square in downtown Troy. Throughout this week, volunteers from all denominations will take part in the public reading of the Bible, which continues until the National Day of Prayer on May 5.