Officials pinpoint
Published 12:00 am Friday, November 19, 1999
source of fire
Staff Writer
Nov. 18, 1999, 10 PM
Troy Fire Department officials are not sure what caused a Tuesday fire that gutted Townhouse Photography, but are sure the flames started in a storage room ventilation fan.
According to Ray Rhodes, chief of the Troy Fire Department, there is evidence that indicates the source of the blaze, but so far officials have not discovered the cause.
"The exact cause of the fire is still under investigation, and we hope to conclude that investigation next week," Rhodes said.
Officials are sure the blaze started in a ventilation fan located in a storage room of Steve Stubblefiled’s Brundidge Street business, but do not know why it ignited, said Rhodes.
Troy firefighters were called to the scene at about 9:20 a.m. Tuesday and extinguished the fire, according to reports. They were at the scene for about an hour while traffic on Church and Brundidge streets was diverted. One fire unit responded to the call.
The building not only served as Stubblefield’s studio, but as his family’s dwelling as well.
Thursday, calls to the residence were being forwarded elsewhere because phone lines had been burned. Stubblefield has plans to re-open his studio on the square in downtown Troy, but was unavailable Thursday to give details about his future plans.
The storage room where the fire started, Stubblefield’s office and his photography dark room received heavy fire damage, Rhodes said. The rest of the house received moderate smoke and minor water damage.
Although no monetary damage estimate was available, Rhodes said the building should be able to be repaired.
No one was injured in the blaze.