Terry Sneed seeks Pike

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 2, 2000

Commission seat, Dist. 4


Staff Writer

May 1, 2000 10 PM

Terry Sneed is entering the political arena for the first time this year by putting his name in for the Pike County Commission, District 4 seat.

"I’ve always been interested in politics and I thought I could make a difference and change in Pike County," Sneed said.

The 33-year-old Shiloh resident believes his leadership skills, "good common sense" and ability to encourage economic development will make him a good commissioner.

"I feel like I’m young, but mature enough to get in there and get the job done," Sneed said.

He is the son of Buck and Marie Sneed of Shiloh.

Enthusiasm is also something he attributes to his youth and thinks can help him on the county commission.

He also believes his six years of experience with public housing has given him an idea of what Pike County’s needs are.

One of those needs is better road conditions.

"I’d like to see, at a minimum, to have the line repainted," Sneed said of road work that he thinks needs to be done in the county.

The "sad sight" of the overall road conditions makes driving at night a hazard, he said.

"I’d like to see Pike County prosper," Sneed said.

A Pike County native, Sneed graduated from Pike County High School. He also went to Troy State University and Faulkner University in Montgomery.

Sneed, who is a timber buyer, is involved in the community through Shiloh Baptist Church, Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s Alumni Association, supporting volunteer fire departments, elderly and handicapped programs, contributing to Feed the Children.

Sneed said he believes in doing "anything to better the people of Pike County."

He is inviting residents to call with their concerns by dialing (334) 735-0027.