Grants have done great

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 10, 2000

things for community

Never underestimate the power of a grant.

In recent weeks, the Pike County Sheriff’s Department, the Troy Police Department through the graces of the City Council, and the Troy City Council itself have applied for grants to help better Pike County, and there’s word that more is on the way.

Grants have been a blessing to Pike Countians and within the next year grants will:

– Light the Highway 231 bypass from the Pike County Chamber of Commerce to Wal-Mart.

– Help with the renovation of the Old Post Office in downtown Troy.

– Provide a bypass for the industries along the Henderson Highway.

– Add police officers for the city of Troy.

– Add deputies to the Pike County Sheriff’s Department.

There are other things that grants have done in recent years throughout the county, including help the city of Brundidge and serve as funding for a road through Lockheed Martin’s property in Pike County. And with the diligence of local leaders, more money is on the way to Pike County.

In addition to the praise that local leaders deserve for taking advantage of programs designed to help the community, a special debt of gratitude is owed to state leaders, including those in the highway department and in our congressional delegation for their work to see to it that Pike County’s projects don’t remain unfinished due to a lack of funds.

The grant business is getting more and more competitive and through the hard work by leaders in the community, Pike County has continued to secure its share of funding for projects.

Consider the power of grants the next time you toss a serve on a yet-to-be-completed tennis court that will be paid for through grants, or when an officer responds to your call for help quickly.

Grants do great things in small communities and Pike County is blessed to have people in office who understand this.


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