Plan gets county on the right track

Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 19, 2001

Our View

The strategic plan will help Pike County become one of the most progressive counties in the state.

For nine months, Pike County citizens from a multitude of backgrounds worked side by side, looking for ways to make life here better.

Divided into 16 focus groups, those individuals evaluated and discussed issues, such as public utilities, technological access, law enforcement, recreation, culture, medical care, emergency systems and education.

Their ideas have resulted in a strategic plan for the county that addresses issues the county will be facing in 2010, as well as beyond.

Through this effort, the officials in the different municipalities and county offices have illustrated they can work together with the Pike County Chamber of Commerce, business, industry and education for the betterment of all the county’s residents.

The goal through Vision 2001 is to create "a safe, economically sound and diverse, environmentally responsible, family-oriented and attractive rural community with a common interest in educational, recreational and cultural opportunities and historical preservation, where meaningful, life-long experiences are provided for all segments of the population."

We applaud the efforts of the Pike County Chamber of Commerce and the people whose input helped develop this plan for Pike County’s future. Their willingness to contribute their time and ideas makes us feel confident that Pike County does have a bright future.

We are also encouraged by the thought our elected leaders will work to put the plan on paper into action. Through their leadership and guidance we can all rest assured that the strengths of Pike County will only be made stronger and the weakness will be corrected.

Vision 2001 gives us a starting point to make Pike County one of the most progressive counties in the state, and example for others to follow.


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