Halloween this year is even scarier
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 31, 2001
Staff Writer
Halloween used to be a time when kids were scared stiff by silly gouls and ghostly goblins, but times as we know them are changing.
This Halloween there’s a goblin of a different sort and it’s bigger and more frightening than the old version. It’s called anthrax, and parents rather than children, seem to be the ones searching for words of encouragement.
In the Pike County community there are mixed feelings about how serious we should be about the threat of anthrax reaching this small area of the world. Nonetheless, some parents are canceling their children’s yearly trick or treat escapade, while others are just modifying their plans.
"It’s just too dangerous, with everything that’s going on in the world," Jasha Rhodes said. She said that this year instead of going trick or treating she is taking her son Preston, 6, to the Montgomery Zoo. "They have a lot of games and activities for the kids and it’s a lot safer," Rhodes said.
There have been several attempts made by local television stations, in recent news broadcasts, to inform parents about taking precautionary measures concerning anthrax during the Halloween holiday. And apparently they have reached some of their viewers.
"My child isn’t going trick or treating this year," Twana Holland said. "I don’t feel safe letting her go." Holland said that after seeing the news about the anthrax warnings she decided against letting her daughter Jamilya participate in Halloween this year.
Joyce Landers said that she’s going to treat this Halloween like any other. Landers two children, Ryan, who is dressing up as storybook character Harry Potter, and Steve, dressing up as a ninja, will be trick or treating this year, but in their own neighborhood.
"There has always been people that you can’t trust, so we’re not doing anything different this year," Landers said.
With all of the carnivals going on and other activities in the elementary schools there has been little time available for teachers to go over safety tips with their students about trick or treating. Several Troy Elementary School teachers did say that they were planning to go over some safety measures with students sometime during the day on Wednesday. But in the end, giving in-depth instructions on Halloween safety will rest on the shoulders of Pike County’s parents