PAC takes religion issue to political arena

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 8, 2002

Supporters of an effort to place the Ten Commandments in public schools are venturing further into the political arena.

We shouldn’t be surprise.


new political action committee was announced on Monday with the sole intent of fighting the re-election of Alabama lawmakers who oppose a constitutional amendment to allow the placing of the Ten Commandments in public schools.

Dean Young, executive director of the Christian Family Association, is a leader in the PAC and has vowed to push the amendment issue in the legislative session which begins today.

If approved, the amendment would give local school districts the option of displaying the Ten Commandments in their schools.

The political action committee is likely to be well-funded and strongly supported by both right-wing and fundamentalist groups. And, if it is willing to spend the time and money as indicated by Young, the PAC is likely to wreak havoc on political campaigns, particularly the re-election campaign of House Majority Leader Rep. Ken Guin, D-Carbon Hill. Young has publicly cited Guin as the major opponent of the amendment issue last year when it was passed by the Senate, but failed in the house.

The PAC’s creation is likely motivated in part by the media attention it will garner. And, it seems the Christian Family Association isn’t afraid of taking on the politicians on their own turf.

Will the PAC be successful?

That’s a tough call; but we suspect Young and others won’t give up without a long, expensive and emotional fight.  

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