CHHS class to spend a week in Spain

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 12, 2003

This year's spring break will be one to remember for 30 Charles Henderson High School students.

On March 17, junior and senior art and Spanish students will spend a week touring Spain and studying the culture, language and art of the country.

&uot;Madrid and Barcelona are two of the art capitals of the world,&uot; art teacher Pam Smith said.

Spanish teacher Pam Merkel said Spanish artists like Picasso and Salvador Dali influenced the world of art.

While in Spain, the students will be able to see some of Picasso's work in the renowned Prado Museum in Madrid.

After three nights in Madrid, they will spend three nights in Barcelona, where they will visit Dali's home.

&uot;Salvador Dali is one of the most famous surreal artists,&uot; Smith said.

&uot;Only two museums in the world display his art.

One is a museum in St. Petersburg, Fla., and the other is in Barcelona.&uot;

The teachers said the students worked hard to raise the money for their trip.

Mayor Jimmy Lunsford supplied the students with T-shirts for the occasion, which Smith and Merkel say will be a good learning experience.

&uot;We teach globalization,&uot; Merkel said.

&uot;And this really puts it into practice.&uot;

Smith said the students will be able to see and practice first-hand what they learn in the classroom.

&uot;You can read about it and learn about it in the classroom, but when you actually go to the country to experience it, it is a very different thing,&uot; she said.