All-Star players know about commitment

Published 12:00 am Thursday, July 24, 2003

Montgomery Gray Belle's pitcher and right-fielder Quayanna Forte knows about being a winner. At just 14, she knows it's more than just performance that matters - it's the philosophy behind the performance, whether on the softball field, basketball court or saving a person from drowning in a back-yard swimming pool.

What she's learned is a lesson that all our All-Star players here have also learned.

Troy's Dixie Belles and Dixie Angels; Troy's Dixie Youth Nationals – who leave this morning for their state tournament bid - and the rest of our All-Star teams are outstanding representatives for Troy and Pike County.

These young players know that it takes much more than just great play on the field to win. They know that a winning attitude and hard work must equally combine with skill in order achieve.

Each of our players - their coaches and parents as well - are to be commended for their efforts this season.

We commend them as well for the attitude these kids display both on the field and off.

Their commitment to succeeding helps Pike County stand apart from others in Alabama.

Congratulations to all our All-Star teams.