Kelly Cash honored to be Junior Miss

Published 10:40 pm Monday, August 3, 2009

For Kelly Cash, being named Pike County Junior Miss at the annual program Saturday night was the realization of a longtime dream.

“I have always looked up to the girls that have represented Pike County as its Junior Miss, and I wanted to have that opportunity and that honor,” Kelly said. “And, being Pike County Junior Miss is an honor.”

As Pike County Junior Miss, Kelly received $2,000 in scholarship money. She also won the talent competition with a jazz dance. As the talent winner, she received $500 in scholarship money and $100 each as winner of the Fitness and Spirit of Junior Miss awards.

She said she is very appreciative of the scholarships and is looking forward to her fulfilling her duties as Pike County Junior Miss. She will represent the county at various community functions and in all celebration parades.

“I’m really looking forward to participating in the Alabama Junior Miss Program in Montgomery in January,” she said. “All of those who have had the opportunity have said it’s a wonderful experience. You get to meet so many people and make new friends. It will be a lot of fun.”

Kelly will be a senior in the Pike Liberal Arts School Class of 2010. She is looking forward to graduation and opening a new chapter of her life – a long chapter and a very demanding one.

“I want to attend Auburn University and my goal is to become a cardiologist,” she said, admitting the journey will be lengthy and hard but one for which she is totally prepared. “After my cousin had her first baby, she developed a heart problem. Since then, I have been interested in the heart, and that’s really what I want to do. It will be a lot of hard work, but it will be beneficial.”

Kelly’s senior year will be a very busy one. In addition to her responsibilities as Pike County Junior Miss, she will serve as president of the PLAS Student Government Association. She is also a member of the varsity cheerleaders and the Lady Patriots basketball team.

That will be a demanding schedule for the Pike County Junior Miss, but Kelly said she enjoys being involved.

“That’s one thing that I would like to do as SGA president,” she said. “I would like for Pike Lib to become more involved in the community, and I’ll work toward that.”

Reigning as Pike County Junior Miss will give Kelly an opportunity to be more involved in Troy and Pike County and learn more about the place that she calls home.

Kelly is the daughter of Russ and Jane Cash of Troy.