Troy, a two surgeon

Published 8:29 pm Thursday, August 6, 2009

With the retirement of Troy Regional Medical Center’s long-time surgeon John Crosby, residents may wonder what will come next.

But, TRMC CEO Gil McKenzie said when it comes to surgery, Pike County will have two solid options.

Dr. Reza Seirafi and Dr. Rick Gill, both independent practicing surgeons, will serve as the main surgeons at TRMC.

“Troy, right now, is a two-surgeon town,” McKenzie said.

Gill has been practicing surgery in Troy for around three years, and McKenzie said when Crosby announced previously he would be retired, the hospital recruited Seirafi to Troy.

“We had Crosby and Gill, so with Crosby leaving, that’s why we recruited Dr. Seirafi,” McKenzie said.

Seirafi’s office is located in the offices near Troy Regional Medical Center, and it is a private practice.

Gill will take over Crosby’s office next to Cone Zone. The property is owned by Troy Health Services.

While the doctors have different offices, both perform surgery at the hospital.

And, even though Gill will take over Crosby’s practice, patients will have their choice between the two, McKenzie said.

“Dr. Crosby is writing a letter to all of his patients explaining he’s turning his practice over to Dr. Gill,” McKenzie said. “It doesn’t mean patients are required to see Dr. Gill, but he does have an arrangement with Dr. Gill to turn his practice over to him.”

McKenzie said while Gill and Seirafi are the main surgeons in Troy, there are others who perform surgery and work in the department.

Of these are an OBGYN, an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor and a part-time orthopedic surgeon, all who perform specific types of surgery.

McKenzie said the hospital also has three full-time CRNAs and a group who heads anesthesiology.

In addition, he said the hospital is working to recruit a full-time orthopedic surgeon, cardiologist and a urologist, and he hopes they will soon purchase new equipment in the coming months.