Sons of American Revolution to conduct grave marking

Published 12:00 am Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Wiregrass Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, will conduct a grave marking ceremony for Revolutionary War veteran and Pike Countian, James Cadenhead, who is buried in the Perote Cemetery.

The ceremony will be at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 19.

“While living in North Carolina, James Cadenhead served in the militia in the early years of the American Revolution,” said Dr. Jack Oden, President, Wiregrass Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution. “Sometime between 1825 and 1830, he moved to Pike County where he lived for the rest of his life.”

Oden said the public is invited to attend this very special ceremony.

“Anyone who is interested in the early settlers of the Wiregrass area would be interested in the grave marking of an American Revolutionary soldier,” Oden said.

“Our chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution can secure, from the national society, a special marker for American Revolutionary War soldiers.

“The purpose of the grave marking is to mark the soldier’s grave so people will know that this individual served during the American Revolutionary War and was a patriot,” Oden said.

The grave marking ceremony will educate people about their heritage and honor one who fought the early battles for America’s freedom.

During the ceremony, the “family salute” will be given by Dr. Kenneth Cadenhead, retired professor at Auburn University and author of “The Southern Cadenheads.”

“Dr. Cadenhead is a direct descendant of James Cadenhead and some 15 other Cadenhead descendants will be present for the unveiling of a Sons of the American Revolution headstone marking the grave.”

There will be a presentation of Floral Tributes by several Sons of the American Revolution and Daughters of the American Revolution chapters followed by the playing of “Amazing Grace” on bagpipes by Nelson Gwin, a member of the Wiregrass Chapter.

“We will also have a three-volley musket salute performed by Sons of the American Revolution Color Guard members and the playing of ‘Taps’ by Luke White, a junior member of the Wiregrass Chapter,” Oden said.

Following the ceremony, there will be a reception honoring the Cadenhead family at the home of Mack Hixon in Perote.

Descendants of James Cadenhead are invited to be special guests at the ceremony.

However, everyone who is interested in history and historical preservation is welcome to attend, Oden said. For more information, contact, Jack Oden, at 334-347-7831.