Destiny’s teams

Published 10:20 pm Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Destiny is a strong word, which thrown around quite a bit now-a-days.

Especially, in the sports world.

Think about all the different sports teams that get the label “Team of Destiny” throughout the individual seasons.

It feels like at a certain point in time, every team carries the label – but in actuality, only a few have and delivered in the end.

But what truly makes a good “Team of Destiny”?

Obviously, the team has to have a good story line – you know the rags to riches type deal.

A lot of people are proclaiming the 2010 New Orleans Saints to be a Team of Destiny, and there are a lot of compelling arguments to support that.

The team has only had a handful of winning seasons, suffered through one of the worst natural disasters in the Nation’s history and is essentially made up of players the rest of the league didn’t want.

With the season the Saints have had and now Super Bowl bound, I think it’s fair to say they have the label – however, there is one important factor still left unanswered.

How will the team finish? A team of destiny has to win the final prize to truly to the label justice – or less it is just another Cinderella story, right?

Greg Rossino is the sports editor for The Messenger, and he can be reached at or on Twitter at Messenger_Greg.