Ethan Green’s poster chosen for Farm City Calendar

Published 9:35 pm Friday, April 16, 2010

Ethan Green could visualize the farm scene before he designed his Farm City poster.

He could see the milk truck making its way to the farm along the winding road. There were cows in the pasture and a barn on the hillside.

The scene was his idea of the connection between the farm and city.

“The cows give the milk and the people in town drink the milk and the people on the farm, too,” Ethan said. “If we didn’t have farms with cows, we wouldn’t have milk to drink.”

Ethan’s colorful poster that tells how the farm and city are dependent on each was chosen as one of the posters statewide that will be featured on the 2011 Farm-City calendar.

Tammy Powell, a member of the Farm-City Committee of the Pike County Chamber of Commerce, said having a poster chosen for the Farm-City Calendar is honor and congratulated Ethan on a job well done.

“We always have great participation in the Farm-City poster and essay contests,” Powell said. “We had outstanding entries on the local level and we are very proud that Pike County will be represented on the calendar through Ethan’s artwork.”

Ethan doesn’t live on a farm but he lives “in the country near China Grove.

“My dad lived on a farm and I like living in the country,” he said. “I like to go to the woods and explore and I like animals of all kinds.”

Ethan said it would be hard to imagine what life would be if there were no farms.

“We wouldn’t have meat or eggs or corn or anything much to eat,” he said. “I’m not sure that I could grow enough to eat. We would probably be hungry.”

Ethan hasn’t really given much thought to what he would like to be when he grows up but he’s not sure that he would want to be a farmer.

“It’s a lot of work and I would have a lot to learn,” he said. “You would need rain and only God can bring rain.”