Shelter incident calls for explanation

Published 10:57 pm Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tuesday’s incident at the City of Troy animal shelter begs the question: why?

On the same day the Pike Animal Shelter Coalition representatives planned a field trip of sorts for city council members to tour the shelter and see the overcrowded conditions that are driving the group’s desire to raise funds and create a new, state-of-the-art facility, someone authorized the euthanization of more than 20 dogs and puppies.

No one is stepping forward and taking responsibility for the decision, and that’s what makes us wonder why.

The City of Troy operates the current shelter, through its police department and two animal control officers.

The grass-roots coalition has, for the past three years, been working to raise funds to build a much-needed, more adequate shelter within city limits. And, as part of their efforts, volunteers with the coalition have gone to the shelter each week to inventory animals, post information on adoption Websites, administer kennel cough vaccines, and provide food, services and supplies to help improve the conditions within the shelter.

The group has raised $100,000 to go towards the building and maintenance of a new shelter. Members have secured land for the shelter, through a donation. And, most recently, the coalition went to city leaders asking for a funding commitment that would give them the go-ahead to seek grants and additional funding to bring the shelter to fruition.

To say the group was caught off guard by Tuesday’s events would be an understatement.

The decision to put down more than 20 shelter dogs on one day seems harsh, to say the least. The timing in this case seems even more questionable. And someone within the city of Troy needs to be accountable to the public for this decision.