Some property taxes see changes

Published 10:37 pm Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Valuation notices were mailed out this month estimating taxes for some property owners in the county.

The notice is sent out every year in June for land recently purchased, developed, remodeled or for any property that has recently gone through any significant change in value.

Pike County Chief Appraiser Dennis Rodgers calculates and evaluates land value, which fluctuates according to market factors such as home sales, land sales and construction and development.

Rodgers said values have remained steady through the last year.

“Our rural (areas) stayed the same. There has not been an increase or decrease in sales there,” he said.

“The only thing selling right now is houses ranging from $135,000 to $165,000. That’s probably our biggest growth.”

Rodgers said developments on Henderson Highway near Wiley Sanders and the new Oak Park subdivision on Highway 87 are two areas seeing that growth.

The valuations that were sent out on June 9 estimate the fair market value of properties and the estimated taxes that will be owed when bills go out in October.

Property owners have the right to appeal if they don’t agree with those figures.

“We’ve had a few calls, the usual amount we have every year,” Rodgers said. Those are an estimated one percent, he said.

Those people who disagree with the assessment must call and write a letter to the appraisal office. They will be granted a hearing before the board of equalizers, who meets July 13,14 and 15.

The last day for appeals is July 9.