Summer of survival

Published 7:01 pm Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Over the past two months, I have covered almost every age group of softball and baseball – and lived to tell about it.

It’s true, I had no idea what to expect at the beginning of the recreation tournament season.

I had heard this would probably be one of the most hectic times of the year for me, but having survived football seasons for multiple years, I figured this would be a breeze.

I was way off.

The past couple weeks have almost been about as nonstop as it could be.

I was either on the road traveling to the next game or practice and if I wasn’t doing that, I was blowing up either a coach’s, Dan Smith’s or David Dickey’s cell phones around the clock trying to figure out the latest scores.

(With that being said, I have to give a big thank you to all the coaches, Mr. Smith and Mr. Dickey for helping me out along the way. Without them, my job would have been impossible.)

But through all the chaos and long hours, I did enjoy the ride.

True, I did lose a lot of sleep along the way and maybe even a little of my sanity, but in a way, it didn’t matter.

All the kids who put on the Troy uniforms were playing the games they truly love and most importantly – playing to have fun.

And isn’t that the only thing that really matters?

Sure, trophies and medals are great, but over time they become lost and forgotten.

It’s the memories collected that will last forever, and I think it’s safe to say, a lot of memories were made out on the diamond over the past two months.

I know I have made some.

Yes, that last line was a little cheesy, but it’s the truth, and whether the kids I watched play for the past couple weeks realize it, or not, these will be moments they will never forget – no matter the outcome.

In a sports world that seems so consumed with who is making the most money or who has the newest reality TV show, it was so refreshing to see a sport played the way it is supposed to be played.

There was no ego to big on the field to overshadow a team or a game – they were all in it together..

And that’s what makes this job so sweet sometimes.

As one sport ends, another begins, as we now turn our attention to the gridiron.

But even though the tournament season is over with, for better or for worse, I’m glad I was a part of it.

Yes, there were crazy parents and yes, the weather was unbearable at times, but to see those kids compete for something other than money or fame made it all worthwhile.

And if nothing else, at least I can say I survived a summer tournament season.

Greg Rossino is the Sports Editor for The Messenger, and he can be reached at or on Twitter at Messenger_greg.