Bright’s funds come from special interest groups
Published 9:18 pm Friday, October 22, 2010
Republican Martha Roby has raised more money from individuals than Democrat Bobby Bright. Seventy-nine percetn of Roby’s campaign contributions come from individual donors. So where is Bright getting the majority of his campaign cash?
He is getting it from special interest groups. At last count, 63 percent of Democrat Bobby Bright’s money is from PACs (political action committees). It is a matter of public record at the federal election commission website. And the Democratic party has the audacity to run commercials that falsely claim Martha Roby is beholden to special interests?
Maybe the Democrats should do a little research before they spin ads trying to protect their incumbent, Bobby Bright. Or maybe they just don’t care about the facts as they try to keep control of Congress.
Let’s send a message to Washington on November 2nd and elect a true conservative, Martha Roby.
Bart Wallace