Brundidge seeks hazard mitigation funding
Published 8:12 am Thursday, June 9, 2011
The Brundidge City Council passed a resolution at is Tuesday meeting that will pave the way for the city to be eligible for funding through the 2010 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Jeanna Barnes, Pike County EMA director, said a hazard mitigation briefing will be held for the 10-county Region 2 at 2:30 p.m. today in the Training Room at University Park in Troy.
Representatives from municipal and county governments, schools and utility services are invited to attend.
“State EMA representatives will be here to let us know what money is available and how to apply for it,” Barnes said. “Because of the recent tornadoes here in Alabama, all 67 counties are eligible for the disaster mitigation money which can be used for shelters, sirens, thing like that.”
Barnes said the funds are actually pre-disaster mitigation money but are only available if a disaster occurs.
Entities with a hazard mitigation plan will be able to apply for mitigation money on their own.
“Brundidge or Goshen might apply while Troy might not,” Barnes said.
The council also passed a resolution for administrative and engineering service and fees for a Community Development Block Grant for economic development at Southern Classic Foods in Brundidge. The administrative services would be provided by Monroe and Associates and the engineering service by Polyengineering.
The grant funding would be to construct a railroad spur to the Southern Classic Foods facility on the north side of Brundidge.
The council took RFP (Request for Proposal) for the city’s solid waste contract. By law, the city may only contract for services for a three-year period.
Two RFPs were received, from Mark Dunning Industries and Advance Disposal.
The deadline for all bids was 9 a.m. Due to time, the Advance Disposal RFP had to be disqualified.
The council gave the mayor and city manager the authority to apply for an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG). The city is hoping to acquire grant funds to extend the energy efficient streetlights along S.A. Graham Blvd. The city has installed the energy efficient streetlights along the city’s main thoroughfare.
The council also reviewed playground equipment from an auction site that could be used at either Galloway Park or Ramage Park.
The Brundidge City Council meets at 4 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at Brundidge City Hall. The meetings are open to the public.