Troy in process of redrawing city districts

Published 9:58 am Thursday, July 21, 2011

A decision has yet to be reached regarding redistricting in the City of Troy, but one thing is sure: 53 people will be affected.

Which districts will be adjusted remains to be decided, said Alton Starling, city clerk.

“There’s a certain amount of people you have to have in each district and we’re off by 53 and I’m in the process of trying to find out if I can move those 53 people from one district to another,” Starling.

Starling emphasized keeping the need to keep the districts equal.

“We don’t have a district, we have district lines and we’ve got to get an equal number of people within all those five districts,” Starling said. “We have to keep the area council members in their current districts, so we can’t move them out. We have to keep the total equal among all five council members and that’s what we’re trying to do.”

Starling said that when that happens the district lines move.

“Sometimes, it’s not as easy as what it would seem on paper,” Starling said.

Starling said he does not anticipate any problems with the redistricting process.

“I have met with all five council members one time and then I met with each of them individually,” Starling said. “Now that I’ve met with them individually, I’m going to see if I can go get accomplished the things they are wanting to get accomplished within the law.”

Charles Meeks, councilman for district two, said the discussions on redistricting have been positive.

“It’s going well, I think,” Meeks said. “I think three out of the five districts had growth in them this year. We are to make a decision right away on the redistricting plan, of course it hasn’t been finalized yet.”

Meeks said at this point all that has taken place are talks regarding the plans for district lines and how they may change, but nothing definite has been decided.

“We’ve just talked about it,” Meeks said. “I don’t know if it will be passed this coming meeting next Tuesday, but it will be done right away.”