Chamber of Commerce to host legislative breakfast

Published 11:00 pm Monday, July 9, 2012

Written by Tyler Spivey

The Pike County Chamber of Commerce’s quarterly Chamber Legislative Breakfast will feature guest speaker Sen. Bryan Taylor.

The senator, of District 30 in the state of Alabama, will give an update on legislative matters in the community.

“He is our senator, and we ask our legislators to keep us updated,” said Kathleen Sauer, the president of the PCCC.

According to Sauer, Taylor will talk about the last legislative session and what might affect Pike County in the upcoming legislative session.

Sauer also said Taylor might address how the Arizona immigration law will impact Alabama, and that he could discuss legislative redistricting.

“[The breakfast] allows the legislators to tell us what’s unique to us in Pike County,” Sauer said, “and what will directly and indirectly impact business and community in Pike County.

“It tailors to our interest.”

An RSVP is required by the end of the day on Tuesday for those who plan to attend the breakfast. Sauer said that the event usually hosts 50 to 60 people.

The event will be held on Thursday morning at 7:30 at the Troy Country Club and will last about an hour. Those interested in going to the breakfast must RSVP at the chamber office. The cost to attend is $12 per person.

“We’re looking forward to having Senator Taylor here in Troy,” said Adam Drinkwater, chairman of the PCCC.