Carter Sanders announces candidacy

Published 11:00 pm Friday, August 24, 2012

Carter Sanders has announced his candidacy for re-election to the Goshen Town Council.

Carter Sanders

A lifelong resident of Goshen, Sanders believes in serving his community. Sanders volunteers at the Goshen Senior Nutrition Center, where he prepares a special meal for the seniors once a month.

In addition, he also cooks the camp stew for the Christmas parade and senior fund-raiser.

When asked why he is seeking re-election, Sanders stated, “I am working for a better Goshen. We have a great community but a great community requires constant attention. My time is spent working for the betterment of my town. I have only lived in Goshen and I live here by choice.”

During his tenure, Sanders initiated many town projects including sidewalks, annex improvements, and Hillcrest Cemetery improvements. He feels strongly about the completion of these and other projects, and pledges to continue working for the good of Goshen.

The Goshen Municipal election is scheduled for Aug. 28.

This article was submitted by political candidateCarter Sanders.