Troy’s Jerry Johnson honored with distinguished service award

Published 11:00 pm Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Jerry Johnson, professor of design/gradate program development at Troy University, has been awarded the FATE Distinguished Service Award by the Foundations in Art: Theory and Education (FATE) national arts organization.

Johnson directs the university’s International Center for Collaboration and Creativity and is also an associate with the Center for Design, Technology and Innovation. He is currently developing an online graduate program in arts and design management.

Johnson received the national arts organization’s prestigious distinguished service award at the 2013 FATE Biennial Conference hosted by the Savannah College of Art and Design.

The award is given to a FATE member who exemplifies a strong commitment and increasing contribution to FATE.

Johnson has been the voice of FATE as vice president for communication.

In making the presentation, Johnson was recognized for his close work with FATE leaders and members to “create consistent, relevant communications, delivery methods

which have evolved to keep pace with technology and the needs of FATE members.”

Johnson’s redesign of FATE communications ensured leaders, members and the general public access to available research and opportunities.

His introduction of “FATE Updater” emails and his embracing social media have extended the national organization’s community outreach.

Johnson’s third term as vice president began in 2011. He has collaborated with FATE leaders and board members to transition to a new web-content management system.

The shift streamlined how educators access information, become FATE members, register for events and receive official communications. These advances effectively positioned the organization for the next generation of growth.

FATE is a national association dedicated to the promotion of excellence in the development and teaching of college-level foundation courses in both studio and art history.