Candidate hopes to oust Alvin Holmes in the House

Published 11:00 pm Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Pictured left to right are Circuit Clerk Jamie Scarbrough, Pike County Commissioner Joey Jackson, Tijuanna Adetunji, John H. Merrill, candidate for Secretary of State.

Pictured left to right are Circuit Clerk Jamie Scarbrough, Pike County Commissioner Joey Jackson, Tijuanna Adetunji, John H. Merrill, candidate for Secretary of State.

Written by Kelsey Vickers, intern with The Messenger

The Pike County Republican Women hosted guest speaker Tijuanna Adetunji, candidate for the Alabama House of Representatives District 78, on Wednesday.

Alvin Holmes currently holds that position.

Adetunji spoke on the three issues that concern her the most in the state of Alabama – education, economy, and the state of families. She started out speaking about why she chose the Republican Party.

“First and foremost, I am a Christian,” she said. “People often ask why I vote Republican, and I say because I personally fear God and consider my values when voting. It so happens that the values of this party are in agreement with mine.”

She talked about her younger life, saying her single mother and great-grandmother raised her.

“My life was interesting,” she said. “My mom came out of domestic violence, so I know what that’s like. That’s why I relate to that community, because I understand.

“There are a few things in my life that I think have prepared me and made me into the person I am today,” she shared. “One was joining the United States Army Reserve.”

Adetunji said serving as a mentor for young girls over the last 17 years has also contributed to her life.

“I’m compassionate about helping women in tough situations because I’ve been there,” she said.

“I have a 23-year-old daughter I had at 19, and I made a decision to not keep my child in a situation before that. It’s crazy that I was able to do that at 17 without my mother’s permission.”

She said she is an example that it is never too late to learn or to make up for your mistakes, saying she even went to school later on in her life than most people do.

Adetunji voiced that anyone on welfare should strive to get out of that situation, and that she is proof that it is completely possible.

Regarding the topic of education, Adetunji said the current status of education in Alabama disappoints her.

“Children are our future, and we’ve had a difficult job making the grade in Alabama,” she said. “As a citizen, I believe there should be educational opportunities for all children, regardless of their school zone.”

Adetunji also noted that parents should have more of a choice in where their children attend school. She also said they should desire more involvement in the educational lives of their children.

Regarding marriage, Adetunji’s stance is, “if we do not stand for something, we will fall for anything.”

“We must stand for family by defending marriage,” she said.

“The goal of gay-rights activists is to implement same sex marriage in every state within the next five years,” she said. “Marriage is between a man and a woman, and I will defend that.”

Adetunji mentioned how bold liberals are when voicing their opinions and strongly encouraged Republicans to be more vocal about their beliefs.

“We have every right to stand for what we believe in and why,” she said. “We have to decide where we stand and be vocal about it.”