Term limits could be coming

Published 11:00 pm Friday, January 24, 2014

SB 153 would establish term limits for Alabama Legislators

State Senators are set to consider a bill to set term limits on Alabama lawmakers.

The bill, SB 153, was introduced to and approved by the Senate Committee for Constitution, Campaign Finance, Ethics and Elections, chaired by Sen. Bryan Taylor. It proposes an amendment to the Alabama Constitution that would prevent any member of the Alabama Legislature from serving more than three consecutive four-year terms.

The bill was passed by the committee on Thursday and moved back to the Senate for its second reading on Friday.

If passed by the Senate, the bill would also have to be passed by the House and then passed by the people of Alabama in a general election.

The bill would not disqualify anybody who had served in the Alabama Legislature prior to November 2014 from service following that date.

Alabama legislators do not currently have any term limits. The governor, however, may not serve more than two consecutive four-year terms.

Taylor, who currently represents Pike County in the Alabama Senate, said the bill would help to alleviate problems with seniority in the Alabama Legislature and would level the playing field so that every county has equal and fair representation on the state level.

Both of Pike County’s representatives have been elected for at least than three consecutive terms. Rep. Alan Boothe was first elected in 1998 and is currently serving his third term in office. Sen. Jimmy Holley, who represents the 31st District, which will include Pike County this election cycle, is currently serving his fourth term in office.

Even if the constitutional amendment is approved, both Boothe and Holley would not be disqualified from service in their respective positions.