Brundidge ministerial group to restart
Published 11:00 pm Monday, February 10, 2014
The once active and vital Brundidge Ministerial Association ceased to function for a while but efforts are being made to restart the association that brings together all ministers in the Brundidge area.
The Rev. Ed Shirley, pastor of Brundidge United Methodist Church, said pastors of all denominations are invited and encouraged to be a part of the Brundidge Ministerial Association.
“This is basically a restart of what has been a great organization of fellowship, community involvement and an inspirational presence in Pike County in the past,” Shirley said.
A first meeting planned for Saturday, March 1 in the Brundidge United Methodist Church education building.
“Prior contact is not necessary,” Shirley said. “
We just want all pastors to know that they are invited and their participation is vital to the success of the Brundidge Ministerial Association.”
“The first item on the agenda will be the Easter Sunrise Service on April 20,” Shirley said.
“The service is held annually at Bulldog Stadium at Pike County High School and is a special time of worship together.”
Anyone wanting more infromation about the group can contact Shirley at 334-725-3180.