Summer safety

Published 6:28 pm Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Jon Adams of Pike Internal Medicine shares advice on summer safety during the Female Factor program.  (Messenger Photo / April Garon)

Jon Adams of Pike Internal Medicine shares advice on summer safety during the Female Factor program.
(Messenger Photo / April Garon)



Local experts offer tips during Female Factor

Participants of June’s Female Factor lunch left prepared for summer with an arsenal of summer safety tips to survive the sweltering months ahead.

Jon Adams Director of Athletic Medicine and Certified Physician Assistant at Pike Internal Medicine as well as Director Dan Smith and Head Lifeguard Idral Bowen of Troy Parks and Recreation were the guest speakers at the monthly event.

The importance of staying hydrated to avoid heat stroke can’t be understated, according to Adams. He suggested adding watermelon, grapes, and other fruits to a diet in addition to water. “You don’t have to be outside long here in South Alabama to succumb to the heat,” Adams said. “If small muscles begin cramping, it’s time to go to the hospital.”

Adams gave a bounty of tips for minor summer mishaps, including applying rubbing alcohol immediately after exposure to plants such as poison oak or sumac to break up the oils left on the skin that cause irritation.

Bowen gave a lifeguard’s perspective on pool safety and preventing injuries and drowning.

“Drowning is the number three cause of death for children in America,” Bowen said. “Never let them swim alone.”

Smith gave and update on the activities available for Pike County children during the summer and encouraged participants to take advantage of many options available at the Recreation Center facilities, including the walking trail and newly built playground. The Recreation Center’s summer day camp continues through July 18 for ages 5 through 12 and features play and enrichment activities. The Challenger British Soccer Camp will begin July 7.