Registration for Extension’s Corn and Wheat short course now open
Published 3:00 am Thursday, November 20, 2014
Registration for the Alabama Extension 2014 Corn and Wheat Short Course is open. This year’s workshop is set for Dec. 15 and16 and will be held at The Hotel at Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center.
“The conference will feature a diverse range of excellent speakers from multiple institutions,” said Grant Lyons, Pike County Extension coordinator. “This will be a valuable learning opportunity for our corn and wheat growers.”
Lyons said the corn and wheat short course is held only once a year and it is an intensive two-day course.
“A lot of valuable information is packed into this course and any producer of corn and wheat would benefit,” Lyons said. “It’s at Auburn this year, making it convenient for local producers. The speakers are coming from different states and a lot can be gained from their knowledge and experience.” Lyons said grain marketing strategies, irrigation scheduling, nutrient management, weed, pest and disease management and climate outlooks are just a few of the workshop discussion topics.
One program highlight will be a talk by Dr. Wesley Porter, who serves as both the Alabama Extension and the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension’s irrigation specialist.
“Dr. Porter will discuss current irrigation issues and options for improvements in Alabama and Georgia,” Lyons said. “Producers will also be able to get pesticide training points at the meeting.”
Featured speakers will include those from Auburn University, University of Nebraska, Purdue University, North Carolina State University, University of Tennessee, University of Georgia, Mississippi State University, Virginia Tech, NRCS, IPNI, Florida State University-COAPS and the United States Department of Agriculture- Agriculture Research Service.
“This will be a very interesting and informative short course for corn and wheat growers as it will be a detailed look at the two topics,” Lyons said. “We have a good number of corn and wheat producers in Pike County who would find this course beneficial.”
Registration for the 2014 Corn and Wheat Short Course is required. The registration fee is $20 per person.
“We don’t usually charge for courses offered through Extension but a couple of lunches and a mixer are included,” Lyons said. “The registration fee will also help with the travel expenses for the speakers.”
Lyons said those who plan to attend the Corn and Wheat Short Course may come by the Pike County Extension Office for the processing of the application. For more information, call 334-566-0985.