Troy Cable connects first residential gigabit customers

Published 2:06 am Friday, March 13, 2015

Troy Cablevision, Inc. has recently launched its residential, ultra-high speed Internet service.

“Our customer’s expectation for a faster internet connection to enable activities like telecommuting, video streaming, and gaming continues to grow,” said Jake Cowen, general manager.

According to Cowen, more than 17,000 fiber-to-the-home capable passings in Troy Cable’s footprint of Pike, Dale, Coffee, Crenshaw, and Houston counties will have access to ultra-high speed Gigabit Internet.

As deployment of fiber-to-the-home technologies extends through the footprint, Gigabit speeds will be accessible to those residents as well.

The first 1-Gig customer was activated in Daleville and others have since been installed in Glenwood and Troy. The increased speed Internet services are more than 100 times faster than those delivered by basic broadband, Pamela Parker from Troy Cable said.

“I am excited about it because we are the only service provider in this area to offer speeds at this level,” Parker said. “Customers who take advantage of telecommunications will greatly benefit from these upgrades.”

Troy Cable’s residential fiber Internet packages carry symmetrical services.

“Symmetrical services mean equal capacity is provided for both uploads and downloads … guaranteeing customers receive the same powerful connection in both directions,” said Cowen.

“The Gigabit launch puts us ahead of the curve and lets our customers know that we have the products, services and bandwidth they need now and in the future,” said Cowen. “Feedback has been tremendous, as our customers are experiencing revolutionary Internet speeds for an affordable price.”