Dr. Bivens talks straight to PCHS students

Published 3:00 am Saturday, March 21, 2015



Students at Pike County High School heard the message that success is not determined by the size of the school one attends or the size of the town they call home. Success is determined by determination.

Dr. Michael Bivins, urologist and surgeon with Urology Centers of Alabama in Birmingham, spoke to the students at PCHS Friday afternoon and his words were encouraging.

Bivins came home to Brundidge and to Pike County High School having achieved success in his chosen career. He told the students that they, too, can achieve their goals if they are willing to do what it takes.

Bivins specializes in urological surgery and utilizes robotics to perform surgery. But, he told the students that he was an average student in high school. He said he had to work diligently to achieve his goals, first in college, then medical school and then in his chosen profession.

“To be successful, you must first understand what you want to do in life,” Bivins said. “You must know where you want to go.”

And, Bivins said, that knowledge and understanding might not be immediate.

“I was out of college before I knew what I really wanted to do,” he said. “But, once you know what you want to do and where you want to go in life, be committed to your success.”

Being committed to success means a willingness to work hard, Bivins said.

“God didn’t give us greatness,” Bivins said. “To be great takes work. And, it takes setting goals and working hard to attain them. There will be pitfalls along the way so you will have to believe in yourself even when no one else does. If you want it; work for it.”

Sometimes, God gives people talents they don’t utilize, Bivins said. Then God gives others the desire and determination to overcome a lack of talent by working hard and never losing sight of their goals.

“Surrounding yourself with good people is important,” Bivins said. “In college and in medical school, I surrounded myself with good people who helped me stay focused on my goals. I still surround myself with positive people, with good people. If you have those around you who are not positive and are not good role models, then cut them loose. Don’t let them bring you down.”

Bivins encouraged the students to also make a positive different in their community.

“The rewards will be in giving of yourself,” he said. “Know where you want to go in life, set goals and prepare yourself to be ready when the opportunity comes.”