Celebration time, come on!

Published 4:00 am Friday, May 29, 2015

Messenger Photo/Jaine Treadwell The Colley Senior Complex Boot Scootin’ Seniors were the featured entertainment at the Brown Bag Lunch on the Square in Downtown Troy on Thursday. Line dancing classes are offered at the senior complex. For more information, call 334-808-8500.

Messenger Photo/Jaine Treadwell
The Colley Senior Complex Boot Scootin’ Seniors were the featured entertainment at the Brown Bag Lunch on the Square in Downtown Troy on Thursday. Line dancing classes are offered at the senior complex. For more information, call 334-808-8500.

It’s physical. It’s mental. It’s fun.

That’s the way Boot Scootin’ Ruth Thompson described line dancing. And, every member of Colley Senior Complex Boot Scootin’ Seniors agreed that line dancing is physical, mental and fun.

The Boot Scootin’ Seniors were the featured entertainment at Brown Bag Lunch on the Square in downtown Troy at noon Thursday. Not only did the Boot Scootin’ Seniors entertain the large crowd that gathered for Brown Bag, they were the motivation for others to get up and scoot.

When emcee Henry Everett called for dancers for The Electric Slide, up and out came the Boot Scootin’ Seniors followed by a host of other dancers and dancer wannabes.

“Dancing is wonderful exercise and it’s a social activity,” said Beverly Capozzoli, complex line dance instructor. “Line dancing is dancing we can all do. It’s physical exercise and it’s also mental exercise. You have to be able to remember the steps but we all have memory lapses so we take turns messing up. But we always keep a smile on our faces.

“If you have two feet and can count to eight, you can line dance. We encourage anyone who is interested in our line dancing classes to stop by the Colley Senior Complex and get signed up.”

Shelia Jackson, Troy public relations director, said the Brown Bag lunches continue to grow in number and enthusiasm remains high.

“The Brown Bag lunches serve a dual purpose,” Jackson said. “They provide an opportunity to the community to come together for a hour of fun, fellowship and entertainment and they bring people to the heart of the city, which is the downtown area.”

Each week different sponsors donate door prizes. Thursday’s door prizes were donated by Glow, Horn Beverage, the Troy Tourism Office and Mayor Jason Reeves.

“Henry Everett has fast become our official Brown Bag DJ and he does a great job of getting the crowd involved and keeping it involved,” Jackson said.

“The Brown Bag lunches put the focus on the downtown area and it’s exciting to have such a variety of events and activities on the square.”

Jackson said two more events are planned for the spring/summer Brown Bag series.

“On June 11, Little Jimmy Reed will be the featured entertainer and, on June 25, civic and service organizations will be invited to set up booths on the square,” Jackson said. “This Brown Bag will be an opportunity to preview all of the coming attractions in Troy and Pike County so people can mark their calendars with the events they want to attend.”

Jackson said entertainment for the June 25 Brown Bag will be announced along with other planned activities.

“During the summer months, we’ll have several evening concerts on the square,” she said. “The response to ‘Jazz Under the Stars’ was so great that we want to continue with the evening concerts.”

Jackson also said everyone is to be reminded of the Fifth Saturday Night event from 3 until 7 p.m. on the square. The event will feature music, games, food and the fellowship of friends and neighbors.