Mortgages for Oct. 15, 2015

Published 2:00 am Thursday, October 15, 2015

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to Deangelo Cottrell 104 Spradley Drive for $46,844.17 on Sept. 10.

First National Bank Brundidge to Dianna, Lamar Dunford 404 Windmill Drive, 142 Chestnut Street, 125 Pierson Drive Brundidge for $130,000 on Sept. 29.

TB&T to First United Pentecostal Church Inc Lot 2 of the final plat of Blair Subdivision on Highway 29, 50 County Road 5516 for $700,000 on Oct. 1.

First National Bank Brundidge to Chase, Claire Flowers, Jack Jones Jr parcels of land located on Alabama Highway 130 and County Road 4413 Banks for $1,500,000 on Sept. 28.

First South Farm Credit ACA to Hayford, Texanna Gavin a 2 acre parcel of sound situated in the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 21, Township 8 North Range 20 East for $233, 750 on Sept. 28.

MERS, Oceanside Mortgage Company to Cori, Kevin Grantham 119 County Road 2299 for $102,695 on Sept. 26.

Interlinc Mortgage Services LLC, MERS to Gary Hounchell 179 County Road 2259 for $80,737 on Sept. 29.

First National Bank to Jackson Hardware DBA, Olaf Lieb, Brian McDaniels 111 South Main Street Brundidge for $132,500 on Sept. 25.

TB&T to Mona Jackson 31 County Road 7727 for $40,000 on Sept. 30.

People south Bank to Evan Johnson 473 County Road 3319 on Sept. 30.

Hometown Lenders LLC, MERS to Jordan Jones 312 Whitetail Way for $157,592 on Sept. 30.

TB&T to Christie, Jack Kirkland 149 County Road 6636 Banks for $231,942 on Sept. 25.

First South Farm Credit ACA to Gregory, Lorelei Lein a 36.62 parcel of land lying on the East side of Pike County Road 1158 and being a portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter and a portion of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter all in Section 12, Township 10 North, Range 19 East for $59,417 on Sept. 30.

TB&T to Christie, Jeremy McClain 205 Richmond Avenue for $405,000 on Oct. 2.

TB&T to Bonnie, John Money 1208 South Folmar Street for $152,000 on Sept. 28.

TB&T to Doris, Robert Oliver 76 North Court Square, 60 South Court Square, 108 North Oak Street for $200,000 on Sept. 29.

TB&T to Cynthia, Willia Parker 2116 Alabama Highway 87 for $32,000 on Oct. 5.

People south Bank Dothan to Brian, Mollie Riley 300 Sheraton Drive, 68 Chandler Lane, Andalusia/Troy on Sept. 16.

MERS, TB&T to Allridge, Holly Slaughter 118 Madalyn Lane for $156,500 on Oct. 5.

Branch Banking and Trust Company to Gerad, Melissa Spivey  404 Wilson Drive for $232,000 on Oct. 1.

Regions Bank to Troy Partners LLC five parcels of land for $10,088,748 on Sept. 30.

Wells Fargo Bank NA to John, Pamela Williams 201 Highland Avenue for $147,900 on Sept. 23.

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