Chief vote delayed

Published 3:00 am Wednesday, December 23, 2015


The four candidates vying for Troy Fire Chief will have to wait until January to find out who will be appointed.

The city council on Tuesday delayed a decision on the appointment.

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“We had discussed the possibility of selecting a candidate tonight,” said council president Johnny Witherington. “However, the mayor contacted me and asked that we delay that decision until January, since he is ill and unable to attend the meeting.”

Four men interviewed Dec. 17 for the position being vacated by longtime chief Thomas’ Outlaws upcoming retirement. The candidates include Fire Marshal Willie Jones, Capt. James Rhodes, Capt. Curtis Shaver, and Capt. Buford Stephens.

District 2 Councilman Greg Meeks said the council had four excellent candidates. “We have four outstanding candidates, and you can tell by the moral support you have from your fellow workers here tonight,” he said. The council is scheduled to meet again Jan. 12, 2016.

In other business on Tuesday, the council:

• Awarded a $508,350.10 bid to Brunson Nichols Construction Co. of Andalusia for the Murphree Street outfall line project. The sewer and water project includes replacing all the lines in the system from the general area behind PIggly Wiggly on Three Notch Street out to U.S. 231, including Pine Forest Circle, Flavia Circle and surrounding neighborhoods. The work also includes the installment of eight grinder pumps at residences in the Hilcrest area. “We weren’t able to run lines to these house, but the city will install and maintain the grinder pumps,” said Mike Davis.

• Awarded a bid of $239,605 to purchase replacement equipment for lift stations. The bid includes the purchase of five pumps, which will service lift stations 2, 4, 5, 7 and the main station.

• Approved a resolution establishing a local preference zone, which allows the city under state law to award bids to local suppliers whose costs are up to 5 percent above the lowest bid, with certain restrictions.

• Heard a report from Camille Downing, director of the Pike Regional Child Advocacy Center. “So far this year, since Jan. 1, we have had 69 reports of child abuse in Pike County and are actively working 30 csaes,” she said. “We have 198 cases from all the counties we serve.” The service area includes Pike, Coffee, Bullock and Barbour counties. “This is an increase from last year,” she said. “We ask that you pray for the parents, the children, the guardians, even the offenders.”