It’s showtime for CHHS musical

Published 9:06 pm Wednesday, March 2, 2016

CHHS drama students will perform “Suessical the Musical” at 7 p.m. today, Friday and Saturday. Tickets are $10 each and are available at the door.

CHHS drama students will perform “Suessical the Musical” at 7 p.m. today, Friday and Saturday. Tickets are $10 each and are available at the door.

Students at Troy Elementary School previewed “Seussical the Musical’ Wednesday and, if the responses of the students is any indication, the Charles Henderson High School production will be a smashing success.

The CHHS Drama Department performed the musical at 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. at TES and if tickets had been sold, both performances would have been “sold out.”

“Seussical the Musical” opens to the public at 7 p.m. today at the Charles Henderson High School Cafetorium and will also be performed at the same time Friday and Saturday.

Tickets to “Seussical the Musical” are $10 and may be purchased at the school and will be available at the door if the productions are not sold out.

Judith Park, CHHS drama teacher, said the musical production is a fun and energetic show and is enjoyable for all ages.

“‘Seussical the Musical’ consists of a compilation of Dr. Seuss characters and stories,” Park said.

“The main storyline is of Horton the Elephant saving the small planet of Who, which is dangerously floating around on a dust speck. The play encourages people of all ages to embrace their imagination or as Jojo calls it, ‘big thinks!’”

“It’s over the top and eccentric. The characters are make believe and that has made it fun for the cast because it gave the students a break from realism for a while. It also gave them an opportunity to explore the silly style of children’s musical theater.”

The musical is filled with catchy music that will have members of the audience tapping their toes and, maybe, even wiggling their ears.

“This fun and energetic show is a joy for all ages,” Park said. “Come watch as Horton saves Jojo and The Who’s with some help from Gertrude, Mayzie, the Bird Girls, the Wickersham brothers, and the Sour Kangaroo. All of the favorite Dr. Seuss characters and stories are mashed into one hit musical. “It’s fun for the cast and fun for the audience.”

Park said the cast and crew have worked really hard getting ready to take the stage. They are excited about the show and looking forward to tonight.

“Family and friends and the entire community are invited to come see the show and support the cast and crew,” Park said. “Please come out and support the Troy City Schools’ performing arts.”