Summer library program sign-up Monday at TPL

Published 3:00 am Saturday, April 30, 2016

Monday, May 2 is a Red Letter Day at the Troy Public Library.

It’s the day for children ages four through 18 to sign up for the TPL’s 2016 Summer Library Program and get “On Your Mark, Get Set … Read!”

Teresa Colvin, children and youth librarian, said ‘Readers Finish First” and she encourages parents to get their children signed up to “Get in the Game READ.”

“We have an exciting Summer Library Program planned,” Colvin said. “The Troy Public Library hopes to inspire kids to read during the summer. Educational studies prove that summer reading is necessary to prevent a decline in reading achievement scores from spring to fall. The awesome collection at the library will surely have books read in record numbers again this summer.”

Colvin said story time for four- and five-year olds will introduce children to the delights of creativity through story time, crafts and puppetry. Programs will be from 2 until 3 p.m. on Mondays, June 13 through July 11.

Programs for ages six through 11 will be from 2 until 3 p.m. on Tuesdays from June 14 through July 19 and will include outdoor games, a reptile show, a magic show, a presentation on Alabamians who competed in the Olympics and movie day.

Programs for the older readers will include “Minute to Win It” from 2 until 4 p.m. on June 16 and Charades at the same time on June 23.

“The Murder Mystery Lock-In is one of our most popular events for older youth,” Colvin said. “It will be from 7 until 9 p.m. on June 30 when we’ll find out who wants the star of the high school soccer team dead.”

The lock-in is limited to 50 “detectives” so it’s important to sign up early, Colvin said.

On July 14, the young adults will play board games in the afternoon.

“Our Top Readers ages four through 11 will be invited to a special celebration on July 26,” Colvin said. “It will be a great summer of reading and activities at the Troy Public Library so we encourage parents to sign their children up for the Summer Library Program and so they can join in the fun.”

Sign-up begins Monday at the library.