Reader’s Choice 2016 awards presented today

Published 3:00 am Tuesday, May 3, 2016


More than 100 Pike County businesses and individuals will be honored tonight at The Messenger’s 2016 Reader’s Choice Awards event.

The winners were selected based on hundreds of votes by Pike County residents during The Messenger’s annual Reader’s Choice campaign in March. Top vote getters in each category will be recognized during the reception and will be featured in a special edition in Saturday’s Messenger.

“The Reader’s Choice Awards is one of our favorite projects each year,” said Publisher Stacy G. Graning. “These awards give our readers and the people of Pike County the chance to recognize the businesses and individuals who make our communities unique and who deserve acclaim for their products and their services.  It’s always fun to see the diversity in the votes and the passion with which folks vote for their favorites.”

The Reader’s Choice Awards categories include people, products, food and dining, services and “Cool things” such as the community’s “best kept secret” and “best new restaurant” and “best new retailer.”

The reception is from 4 to 6 p.m. today.