Brundidge City Council works on 2017 budget ahead of consideration
Published 3:00 am Wednesday, December 14, 2016
While items such as retirement had a minimal effect on the budget, items including the city’s volunteer fire department, due to a fire department vehicle being involved in an accident where there was a fatality, had big impact.
The volunteer fire department’s budget for 2017 will include a FEMA grant of $118,096 which will be used to purchase safety equipment for the department, an increase in that line item from $38,425.
The 2017 proposed budget includes appropriations for several community organizations including East Central Mental Health, $10,000; OCAP, $11,000, Pike County Chamber of Commerce, $6,000; Pike County Board of Education, $16,000; Pike County Economic Development, $13,000; Pike County Transit, $14,000, Troy-Pike Cultural Arts Center, $2,500; Pike County Emergency Management, $1,000 and the Pike Regional Child Advocacy Center, $1,000.
Council Member Margaret Ross asked if the Pioneer Museum of Alabama could be added to the city list of appropriations.
Thomas said there had been no request from the museum for financial assistance from Brundidge.
Council Member Byron Gaynor inquired about neighborhood watches and how a watch could be organization in the Brundidge community.
He was told that communities would have to organize their own watch and administer their own watch program.
Mayor Isabell Boyd, who is president of the Brundidge Business Association, and Council Member Chris Foster had to leave the meeting to attend the BBA meeting. Council Member Arthur Lee Griffin also left the meeting early.The council will consider the budge at it next regular meeting at 1p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 20 at Brundidge Station.