Colley Center hosts signing for ‘Shattered Child’

Published 3:00 am Friday, March 31, 2017

The Colley Senior Complex in Troy will host a book signing Wednesday for Veronica McNeal author of “Shattered Child.”

The booking signing will be from 10 a.m. until noon and the public is invited.

McNeal’s book, titled “Shattered Child,” is autobiographical in nature and is based on her childhood, much of which was spent at the Alabama Baptist Children’s Home in Troy.

“It’s very appropriate that Veronica’s book signing is here at the Colley Senior Complex,” said Catherine Jordan, Colley Senior Complex director. “The Colley Center was the hub of the Alabama Baptist Children’s Home for many years. For many children, the children’s home was ‘home.” A lot of memories were made here. This was a place of help and healing.”

Jordan said McNeal grew up in the children’s home in Troy and she is excited about returning.

“Veronica’s book tells the story of her childhood and, in telling her story, she also tells the story of the Alabama Baptist Children’s Home,” Jordan said.

But there is more to Veronica McNeal’s homecoming than a book signing.

“When Veronica was at the children’s home here in Troy, she was mentored by a volunteer Nuri Abdur-Rahman,” Jordan said. “Now, Nuri is a faithful volunteer instructor at the Colley Center. She teaches our seniors yoga and quilting. Nuri is still making an impact on the lives of others, just in a different age group.”

Jordan said the book signing for McNeal will be an opportunity to learn more about the Alabama Baptist Children’s Home through her experiences and also those of Abdur-Rahman.

“I’m sure both of them will have stories to share, so we encourage those, who come to Veronica’s book signing, to plan to stay and visit a while,” Jordan said. “The Alabama Baptist Children’s Home was home to ‘shattered’ children for a lot of years. It was a place where they belonged and it is a part of Troy’s history.

“Today, the Colley Center building serves a similar purpose. Our goal is to provide programs and activities that enrich and enhance the lives of the senior adults of our community. It is a goal that we take seriously because it is such a worthwhile goal.”