DISTINGUISHED: Young women compete for scholarship today

Published 2:59 am Saturday, July 29, 2017

The Distinguished Young Women (DYW) of Pike County participants have had a whirlwind week leading up to the DYW of Pike County Program at 2 p.m. today at the Claudia Crosby Theater.

The 2018 DYW visited the Pioneer Museum of Alabama on Friday (bottom). The 2017 DYW of Pike County Lindsey Fox assisted in leading the tour. During the week the DYW read to children at the Troy Public Library, had lunch at the Troy Rotary Club and participated in mock interviews at the Johnson Center for the Arts.

Pictured are, Emma Strickland, Pike Liberal Arts School; Selena Ellis, Goshen High School; Caroline Kirk, PLAS; Anna May, PLAS; Jordan Grice; PLAS; Sidney Armstrong, CHHS; Abbie Barron, CHHS; and Lindsey Fox, 2018 DYW of Pike County. Not pictured, Melanie Ford, CHHS. Tickets for the DYW of Pike County program are $10. Programs are $5.