PCBOE makes hires as schoolyear gets started

Published 3:00 am Friday, August 18, 2017

The Pike County Board of Education continued to get things taken care of Monday as the school year has just begun.

During the meeting, the board:

• Approved permission to purchase instructional materials to offer Sociology with State textbook funds.

• Approved the purchase of Aspire Assessment materials for 2017-2018.

• Awarded a bid for a double-stack oven at Goshen Elementary School (GES) to Dixie Store Fixtures and Sales Company.

• Approved permission for Dr. Mark Head to attend the school superintendents of Alabama fall conference, October 9 and 10 in Florence with expenses to be paid by the general fund.

• Approved permission for Pamela Franklin to attend the fall 2017 System Test Coordinator’s Training August 27-29 in Prattville with expenses to be paid by Indian Education.

• Approved permission for Pike County FFA members, parents and Agriscience teachers to attend the 40th annual Sunbelt Ag Expo on October 18 in Moultrie, Georgia. Students and chaperones will be responsible for the cost of transportation and entrance into the expo.

• Accepted the resignation of Kristina Anderson, fifth grade teacher at Pike County Elementary School (PCES).

• Approved the employment of Mallory Rhodes, third grade teacher at GES.

• Approved the employment of Henry Everett as music aide at banks instead of contract services.

• Approved the employment of Walter Brown as special education aide at PCES.

• Approved the employment of Elizabeth Crawley as special education aide at PCES.

• Approved the employment of Annie Fenn as special education aide at PCES.

• Approved the employment of Keyuna Banks as  temporary adjunct math instructor at Pike County High School (PCHS).

• Approved the employment of Calvin Mulkey, fifth grade teacher at PCES.

• Approved volunteer status for Donnie Coleman, football at PCHS.

• Approved volunteer status for Dietrick Flowers, band at PCHS.

• Approved volunteer status for Antonio Brundidge, football and track at Goshen High School (GHS).

• Approved volunteer status for Kenneth Styron, football, basketball and track at GHS.

• Approved volunteer status for Antonio Rogers, football and basketball at GHS.

• Approved volunteer status for Donnie Coleman, football coach at PCHS.

• Approved volunteer status for Michael Wilcoxin, football and basketball at GHS.

• Approved volunteer status for Darius McClain, football at GHS.

• Approved volunteer status for Taisha Jackson, girls basketball at GHS.

• Approved volunteer status for Allison Warrick, volleyball and softball at PCHS.

• Approved volunteer status for Jared Guilford, band at PCHS.

• Approved 2017-2018 coaching supplements for PCHS.

• Approved 2017-2018 coaching supplements for GHS.

• Approved 10 days of pay for Olivia Boyd for work over summer.