Brundidge gears up for spring

Published 10:54 pm Wednesday, March 21, 2018

The City of Brundidge is gearing up for a citywide spring-cleaning in April and its employees will henceforth have Good Friday as a holiday.

Those actions were taken at the Tuesday meeting of the Brundidge City Council.

District One Council Member Betty Baxter presented the idea of a citywide spring cleanup to the council. The mayor and council were in agreement.

The council set the schedule for the spring cleanup beginning with District 1 the first week of April, District 2 the second week, District 3 the third week and Districts 4 and 5 the last week of the month.

The council considered designating Good Friday as a perpetual holiday for city workers and voted in favor of the additional holiday beginning this year, said Britt Thomas, city manager.

Tamara Williams of  “Daughters’ Lives Matter” spoke to the council about the nationwide campaign that was created to promote healthy father/daughter relations through education attainment, victimization prevention and poverty avoidance.

Williams said the local Daughters’ Lives Matter organization is planning a father/daughter Blanket Making Date & Expo on April 21 at the Troy Recreation Center.

The council approved the spending of funds for the painting of the Walmart water tank and the purchase of a backhoe for city use.

Thomas said the cost of painting and refurbishing the 16-year-old water tank is $125,000. Unused funds from the DWSRLF (Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund) project will be used for the painting of the water tank. The cost of the backhoe, which Thomas said is badly needed, is $88,765.

The council approved a resolution to revise the Title VI Program  (ALDOT) senior bus.

“Basically, the council voted to provide a bus for city seniors and to adhere to Title VI,” Thomas said. Title VI prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance.

In closing, the council reviewed the FY2017 audited financials and the FY2018 January financials.

The Brundidge City Council meets at 4 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at Brundidge City Hall. The meetings are open to the public.