Distinguished Young Women begin week-long journey

Published 9:07 pm Monday, June 3, 2019

Pike County’s Distinguished Young Women participants will spend this week involved in a variety of activities leading up the Pike County DYW Program Saturday at the Claudia Crosby.

On Monday, the DYW participants, Sarah Elizabeth Calhoun, Hannah Huner, Quarissa Caffie, Isabel Robledo, Sydney Watson and Porter Lankford hit the ground running.

“On Monday morning, the Pike County DYW participants checked out children’s books from the Troy Public Library and read to the children at the Heaven Sent and First United Methodist Church daycares,” said Candice Howard Shaughnessy, Pike County DYW advisor. “The DYW participants have several community activities scheduled in addition to dress rehearsals for Saturday’s DYW program.”

On Wednesday, the participants will participate in mock interviews in preparation for the interviews with the program judges. On Thursday, they will visit the Pioneer Museum of Alabama where they will learn more about their community and the role it played in the shaping of Alabama.

The 2002 Distinguished Young Woman of Pike County Program will be at 5:30 p.m. Saturday at the Claudia Crosby Theater on the campus of Troy University.

Tickets are $10 each and will be available at the door. Children under the age of five are admitted free. Ticket proceeds benefit the scholarship program.

“We encourage our community to come out in support of these young women as they seek the opportunity to represent Pike County as it DTW at the Alabama DYW Program in 2020.