Brundidge library is planting seeds, growing words

Published 10:26 pm Friday, August 23, 2019

Being a writer or even a writer wannabe is reason enough to join “Growing Words” at the Tupper Lightfoot Memorial Library in Brundidge the first Monday of each month.

The group was organized by Larry McLeod and Ed Hicks “not all that long ago” and is growing in number as well as in words.

“You don’t have to be a writer of prose or poetry to join,” McLeod said. “If you just enjoy reading, that makes you eligible. Some of us write, or like me, try to write, and other members are good writers. But the main thing we do is get feedback on what is written and share ideas about what we would like to write.”

A “Growing Words” meeting is much like a tennis match. Someone serves and someone returns the serve and, if goes as plans, there’s a volley. Sometimes, the “serve” is out and there’s some dead time waiting for the second serve.

McLeod said “Growing Words” is, at other times, like a round robin. Each person takes a turn reading what they have written and the group provides input.

“We don’t critique each other’s work because we’re not critics but we say what we think, maybe make a suggestion or two, but mostly we enjoy sharing what we write.”

Most members of “Growing Words” write poetry and several have been published.

A few times, the group has been challenged by Hicks to pull a scenario out of the hat and write an impromptu story or poem. Other times, they have enjoyed the benefits of a creative writing class.

“We have talked about a good book we read recently or a poem,” McLeod said. “We’ve not yet just sat around looking at each other. We always have something to talk about. Then, we sit around and have something good to eat and talk about whatever is on our minds.”

“Growing Words” meets at 6 p.m. on the first Monday of the month. Everyone who enjoys the mystery and wonder of words is invited to be a part of, the planting of seeds that grow words.