Republican Women send postcards of support to President Trump
Published 3:00 am Friday, October 11, 2019
As President Donald Trump faces an impeachment inquiry after encouraging Ukraine to investigate political opponent Joe Biden, the Pike County Republican Women are writing letters of encouragement to the President.
“We believe President Trump receives undue criticism for nearly everything he does,” said Virginia Hamm. “We felt like we need to encourage President Trump; we feel like he’s doing a good job for America. He’s certainly not a typical politician. We’ve never had a president who has been under attack like this.”
This is not the first time the group has sent letters of encouragement to the White House, Hamm said they held a similar post card drive for the President two years ago. Sending the post cards is optional for the group’s members; anyone who wants to write a letter of encouragement to Trump can do so.
“There’s no script,” Hamm said. “We are just providing the post cards and stamps. Whoever wants one can write a note of encouragement to our President and we’ll send it forward.”
The group sent 25 of the postcards to the White House last week after collecting them at the monthly meeting on October 3 and Hamm said she expects to send about 25 more after the group’s next meeting on October 30.
Hamm said that Scripture commands Christians to pray for all of their government leaders, from city and county government to state and federal legislators and encouraged all citizens of Pike County to do so, and consider sending words of encouragement to the President and all elected officials that represent them.
“We want to encourage more unity and not division,” Hamm said.
Anyone interested in writing a letter of encouragement to the President can, of course, send their own postcards or contact the Pike County Republican Women about sending a postcard.
The address for the White House is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20500.