DAR honors ‘good citizen’ students
Published 9:21 pm Thursday, February 13, 2020
The Oliver Wiley Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution honored the recipients of Pike County’s 2020 Good Citizens Awards at the DAR’s meeting Wednesday at Troy Country Club.
The honorees are Kari Moore, Pike County High School, Lindsay Kelley, Charles Henderson High School and Megan Starling, Pike Liberal Arts School.
Chapter Regent and Citizenship Chair Maebeth Gibson said each high school in the county is invited to selected a member of the senior class who displays the qualities of a good citizen –dependability, service, patriotism and leadership.
Gibson said Good Citizen Awards are reserved for only one senior from each school, therefore, the students who receive the awards demonstrate the qualities of a good citizen to an outstanding degree.
The DAR Good Citizens are invited to participate in the scholarship portion of the program that consists of a personal statement and an essay. Lindsay Kelley was named the Oliver Wiley Chapter DAR essay winner. She will compete on the state level for the honor of Alabama’s DAR Essay winner.
Gibson said the 2020 Oliver Wiley Chapter DAR Good Citizens all have outstanding slates of outstanding academic achievements and participation in school and community events and activities.
She highlighted a few achievements and activities of each DAR Good Citizen.
Kari is a member of GearUp, the National Honor Society, National Technical Honors Society, Exercise and Health Academy and the Externship Program. Through the Externship Program she is taking advantage of the opportunity to work as a secretary at the Troy Messenger. Her future plans are to attend Troy University and later become a prenatal sonographer.
Lindsey has maintained at high GPA throughout her high school career. She is a member of the National Honor Society and represented CHHS at the HOBY Leadership Conference at Troy University. She is also a member of the award-winning FBL chapter. Her extracurricular activities include Turkeys from Heaven, Operation Christmas Child and the Pike County Humane Society. She plans to attend Troy University and double major in economics with a concentration in finance and global business management.
Megan is dually enrolled at Troy University has been offered a Presidential Recognition Scholarship to the University of Alabama at Birmingham. She is also an intern at Troy Animal Clinic. She enjoys traveling and has visited Italy and Spain. She is volunteers with the Pike County Animal Shelter.
Her future plans are to attend Auburn University and major in musical theater and animal sciences with a pre-veterinary track.
As the chapter DAR winner, Lindsey said it is important for all citizens to be involved in their communities by sharing ideas and exercising a leadership role when the opportunity arises.