Being a homemaker was once a woman’s career
Published 7:25 pm Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Mrs. Baker’s Career At Home is Full Time Job as Mother, Wife
In 1969, The Troy Messenger did a series of articles on careers for women.
“I’m strictly a housewife, or rather, a homemaker,” said Mrs. Ellen Baker in describing herself. “Anybody can keep a house, but it is a little harder to make a home.”
Mrs. Baker has never worked outside her home, “I guess I am just not cut out to work,” she remarked keeping an eye on the washing hanging on the line, the oncoming clouds and an ear out for the couple’s three children.
The Bakers were married just after Mrs. Baker completed high school in Clio. Since then she has found keeping house and caring for the children, a full time job.
“My husband has never encouraged me to go to work. There are a lot of good points in staying at home. I enjoy being able to take the children places and being here to fix them a snack or something when they come home from school.” The children are 12, 8 and 4.
Mrs. Baker’s hobbies include sewing and making casseroles. “Patsy and I hardly know what a bought outfit is since I make almost all of our clothes.”
Trying to feed the family something that none of the members has had for lunch is the most difficult task Mrs. Baker faces, she said. “I like to make casseroles and do a little bit of experimenting with them.”
Her home and her church work fill most of Mrs. Baker’s time. “I haven’t joined any clubs, but since Mark, the youngest boy, will be starting to play school next year I will have more time.”
Mrs. Baker accompanies her husband, James, to some meetings and school activities. “We attend ball games and things like that. I like to be home when James comes in and have things ready so that we can be ready to go.” Baker is the principal of Goshen High School.
“There are many more disadvantages than advantages to working. I love the freedom to come and go as I please, like doing my grocery shopping Friday mornings when the stores aren’t so crowded. Not working means I am home when my children are sick without having to call and make arrangements to be off.
What do I do with my time? I mop, wash, cook, iron and all the other things it takes to keep the home a comfortable place. It is really a 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. job.”
All of these articles can be found in previous editions of The Troy Messenger. Stay tuned for more. Dianne Smith is the President of the Pike County Historical, Genealogical and Preservation Society.