A servant’s heart
Published 6:17 pm Wednesday, January 4, 2023
Donna McLaney Jones has always had a servant’s heart.
Her belief is that she was either born with it or acquired it early in life.
“I’ve just always enjoyed helping people and doing things that made life better in some way,” Jones said.
So, about 15 years ago, she quickly accepted Kim May’s request to be the Red Kettle coordinator for the Pike County Salvation Army’s annual fundraiser.
“Kim had recently started as the director of the Pike County Salvation Army Service Center,” Jones said. “We were friends and I wanted to help her in any way I could. My husband had recently died and having something worthwhile to do helped me through that Christmas season.”
For the following five years, Jones volunteered with the local Salvation Army.
‘I helped out with projects at the Service Center,” Jones said. “I assisted in the office with paper work that was required when applying for assistance. I did interviews with those who had emergency and special needs. I helped out in the store, doing whatever I could that needed to be done.”
In time, Jones was given the opportunity to go on the payroll as a part time employee.
“I hope and pray that over 15 years, I have helped people in meeting their needs and in finding solutions to the situations they were in and the conditions of their lives,’ Jones said. “My hopes are that those we have helped have used that assistance to better themselves. Have used the help as a hand up, not a handout.
“Working for the Pike County Salvation Army has been very rewarding for me, personally. I have learned a lot about people and about myself. I have learned to meet people and to stand up in a meeting and express myself.”
Jones said she has made many friends and meaningful associations through her work with and Pike County Salvation Army.
“Those who say that there no people in our county that are need, well, they are wrong,” Jones said. “There are needs and the Pike County Salvation Army is helping meet those needs. I am thankful for the opportunity to be a part of the Salvation Army for 15 years.”
Jones will officially retire from the her position at the Pike County Salvation Army on Monday, but, she will not hesitate to volunteer her services when needed.
“Oh, I’ll be around if and when I could help out,” Jones said. “The Salvation Army has been a big part of my life for 15 years. I’ve been blessed by the opportunities to help others and I don’t want to stop doing that, but I want to spend time with my family and grandchildren. I’m a member of the Troy Exchange Club and want to continue with grown clubs, especially youth clubs. I’m on the Pike County Heart Board and I’m a member of the We Piddle Around Theater in Brundidge. I’ve got things I want to do and I am so blessed to have been able to be a part of the good things that the Salvation Army does. I hope that Donna Kidd will call on me when there is a way that I can help out.