HSPC Pet Photo Contests spurs spay/neuter clinic

Published 6:59 pm Friday, February 10, 2023

The Humane Society of Pike County met Wednesday night and there was reason for celebration.

Donna Brockmann, HSPC president, said, when the final tally for the 2023 HSPC Pet Photo Contest and Calendar Sale was announced, every member there was overwhelmed.

“Twenty-thousand dollars! How thankful. What a blessing!” Brockmann said. “Again, the people of Pike County and our supporters from outside, were so generous in their giving and so dedicated to our purpose. How can we ever say ‘thank you?’”

The Humane Society of Pike County’s Pet Photo Contest is the primary fundraiser in support of the society’s annual spay/neuter clinic.

Brockmann said the $20,000 will be allocated to the four animal clinics in Pike County with each receiving $5,000.

“The dollars allocated to each clinic will pay the first $50 of each procedure as long as the funds are available. The pet owner will pay any amount above what the HSPC pays,” Brockmann said. “Fifty dollars is a big savings to pet owners.”

“The more dollars that are raised, the more procedures that can be done and the fewer unwanted, unloved and, too often, mistreated dogs and cats there will be here in Pike County,” Brockmann said. “Those who wish to participate in the HSPC’s spay/neuter program are encouraged to call their veterinarians and make an appointment for their animals.

“Don’t hesitate because when the funds allocated for the program are gone, it will be another year before the opportunity will be available again,” Brockmann said. “Participating reduces the number of unwanted animals in Pike County and we all benefit from that.”

The participating veterinarians are Drs. Douglas and Robert Hawkins, Troy Animal Clinic; Lawrence Johnston, Pike Animal Clinic; Dr. Steve Barron, Southern Animal Hospital and Pet Resort, in Troy and Dr. Christina Simmer, Jones Animal Clinic in Brundidge.