Brundidge Council awards RTP bid
Published 5:32 pm Wednesday, August 16, 2023
The Brundidge City Council met in regular session Tuesday night and held a public hearing and worked from a three-item agenda that included consideration of a bid for the RTP (Regional Transportation Plan).
The public hearing was for the purpose of a rezoning request for a partial part of property located at 1105 North Main Street from B3 (Highway Commercial) to R-2 (Multi-Family Residential). Rebecca Cooper, estate executor, attend the public hearing.
The first item of business on the council’s agenda was the consideration from the city’s Planning Commission of the to rezone a partial part of property at 1105 North Main Street from B3 (Highway Commercial) to R-3 (Multi-Family Residential).
Mayor Isabel Boyd, reported to the council that the re-zoning request as brought before the city’s Planning Commission had been approved.
The council unanimously, then, voted in favor of the rezoning request.
In other business, the council considered Resolution No. 2023-18, an approved recommendation from Poly, Inc. to award Wiregrass Construction Company the bid for the city’s Recreational Trails Project (RTP) Project.
The contract award recommendation from Poly, Inc. was that the lowest responsive and responsible bid was submitted by Wiregrass Construction Company, Inc. of Ariton in the amount of $215,466.90 for the Base Bid.
The recommendation also verified that Wiregrass Construction Company, Inc. is a properly licensed contractor in the State of Alabama and recommended that the contract be made to the same for the Base Bid in the amount of $215,466.90 subject to the concurrence of the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs.
The council voted unanimously in favor of the recommendation by Poly, Inc. of Dothan.
Brundidge Police Chief Sam Green reported to the council that his department has a female who will graduate from the police academy in Dothan this week. She will be a welcomed addition to his department, he said.
Green reported that a self-defense class for women continues to be in plans for Brundidge residents.
He also reported that the number of traffic tickets written, including DUIs, are up in the city.
The Brundidge Police Department is dedicated to making the downtown area safe for motorists and pedestrians.
The Brundidge City Council meets at 6 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at Brundidge City Hall. The meetings are open to the public.