February to “host” three outdoor events

Published 7:02 pm Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Those who enjoy the great outdoors and learning about things that grow and things that don’t and why are invited to three back-to-back February events –February 20, 21 and 22.

The annual membership meeting of the Pike County Chapter of the Alabama TREASURE Forest Association is set for 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. February 20, at Park Memorial Methodist Church at 750 Elba Highway.

New members are always welcome to come and learn more about the Alabama TREASURE Forest Association, said member Deborah Huggins-Davis.

Alabama TREASURE Forest Association members are stewardship-minded individuals who are dedicated to improving the forest lands of Alabama and the nation. These lands are managed for many resources including wildlife habitats, pine and hardwood timber resources, clean water, recreation opportunities and beautiful scenery.

Membership in the Pike County Chapter is an opportunity to learn more about Alabama forestlands. Land ownership is not required for membership in the TREASURE Forest Association, just a love of and dedication to Alabama’s forests.

The Pike County Master Gardeners invite those who are gardeners or wannabes to join them at noon on February 21 at the Pioneer Museum of Alabama to learn more from Jason Powell from Petals from the Past.

Huggins-Davis said topic of interest will be “Hardy Plants for the Southern Garden.” A variety of plants will be for sale following Powell’s presentation.

The meeting is open to the public. Light snacks will be served.

On February 22, the Alabama TREASURE Forest Association will host a Free Tree Giveaway at the Troy Sportsplex parking lot at 11:30 a.m. rain or shine. The trees available will be hornbeam, tulip poplar scarlet oak, red but, red maple, bald cypress, white dogwood, crab apple and persimmons.

The Free Tree Giveaway is offered by the Alabama TREASURE Forest Association Pike County Chapter in coordination with the Alabama Forestry Commission and the Pike County Master Gardeners.